Author : DilmahT-Lounge Wellington

Wellington's premier tea Lounge and restaurant dedicated to delicious food and indulging around a revolutionary teatime.

We live in a world where everything is constantly changing, evolving, picking up the pace. Our options are plenty and the ‘generation gap’ has never been wider. Yet in the midst of all these dynamics, we have managed to find an evolving constant that gives it all a sense of equilibrium – tea.

To mark the founder’s 70th year in the tea industry, Dilmah Tea released a video (see below) on social media that shows Merrill J. Fernando, his sons Malik and Dilhan, and their children, ‘Gen 3’ – Kiara, Tasha, Amrit, Amaya and Devin, in the tasting room. Each of them holds their own ‘perfect cup of tea’, be it classic, green, with milk, chilled or infused. The short clip is a depiction of how Dilmah has evolved with the times and remained current, while creating a strong bond through generations.

What Merrill started off as a simple cup of pure Ceylon black tea over 30 years ago has now branched out vastly in terms of flavour, preparation and manufacturing techniques, using innovation, technology, research and development. In fact, The t-Lounge itself is testament to how our perception of and respect for tea has progressed. Specific teas are paired with specific foods, depending on their individual tastes and combined persona (quite like fine wine), while ‘tea-inspired’ perfectly describes the incorporation of the humble tea leaf into much of the gourmet food and beverage menu.

Our expectations in this day and age are versatile, and Dilmah has stepped up to the challenge and has something to offer for everyone, from the Baby Boomers to Gen Z. Dilmah stands committed to keep tea relevant – to keep Camellia sinensis ever-green. After all, a good brew never goes out of fashion.