The MJF Charitable Foundation was set up in keeping with Merrill J. Fernando’s vision that, ‘business is a matter of human service’. He believed that no business was possible without the combined efforts, involvement and commitment of workers, staff, clients, consumers and in the case of tea – the environment, and was therefore committed to sharing the benefits of his business with the community. As Merrill’s Dilmah Tea grew into an internationally recognised brand, the scale of the much larger social obligation required the establishment of the MJF Charitable Foundation. This marked the evolution of Merrill’s philosophy, from
caring and sharing with his initially tiny staff, to a wider group of tea estate workers, and finally to the nation.

The MJF Charitable Foundation represents an alternative economic model which transcends charity and marketing-led Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to one that is a genuinely sustainable and fair way of doing business. This ‘way’ acknowledges that social justice, community and the environment are integral elements, and not options, in any business process. Acknowledging this reality, the work of the MJF Charitable Foundation is funded by personal funds and assets of Merrill and his family, as well as a significant share of the revenue of the MJF group of companies. As the companies develop, so does the work of the Foundation.

Here are some projects carried out by the Foundation:

  • Child Development Centres – provide care and nutrition to around 2,500 plantation kids daily
  • Culinary Institute – creates new avenues in the gastronomy and hospitality industry of Sri Lanka for around 60 disadvantaged youth annually
  • Koul Ara School of Inspiration – touches the lives of 49 village kids who are encouraged towards a better future
  • Estate Housing Projects – enable estate workers to lead dignified lives; around 50 plantation workers at our Dunkeld estate have benefited from the project so far
  • Small Entrepreneur Programme – alleviates poverty through assistance for small businesses, supporting 1,591 individuals so far
  • MJF Diriya Resource Centre – provides educational and vocational training for 300 rural youth
  • Rainbow Centre – provides holistic development of 120 special needs children
  • MJF Kids – exposes 1,000 underprivileged children to a life of possibility, daily
  • Curtiss Centre for Design – supports youth from low income families to excel in the area of graphic design; 476 graduated so far
  • Swashakthi Bakery – provides sustainable means of income for 35 less privileged, daily
  • Cricket Live Programme – uses cricket as a medium to develop marginalised kids; 348 have benefited so far
  • Women’s Development Programme – assists 60 mothers of the programme participants to reach entrepreneur levels
  • National Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy and Development Disorders – restores the dignity of children / youth with CP & Developmental Disorders
  • Ethical Tea Society – partners with the Dilmah global family and their consumers to benefit the underprivileged and the environment
  • Local Heroes – uses individual talent for the benefit of the wider community; 7 such individuals established so far

Learn more about The MJF Charitable Foundation at