Author : DilmahT-Lounge Wellington

Wellington's premier tea Lounge and restaurant dedicated to delicious food and indulging around a revolutionary teatime.

Dilmah’s long-standing camaraderie with New Zealand was taken up a notch in November of last year (2019) when founder Merrill J. Fernando was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree by Massey University. According to Vice Chancellor Professor Jan Thomas, the doctorate was awarded in recognition of the Dilmah founder’s “great contribution to the tea industry and food science globally.” She added that the honorary doctorate “celebrates his prowess in business and science, including his valuable collaborations with Massey University and his commitment to ethical food production and his philanthropic activities.”

Merrill is only the fourth international recipient of an honorary doctorate in Massey’s nearly-hundred-year history. This recognition and acknowledgement of his deeds bears testament to the impact that he has had on the food and beverage industry, not just locally but globally as well. It must be extremely rewarding for a man who has spent 70 out of his 90 years with the tea leaf, and dedicated over 30 years to build the prestigious Dilmah brand, while preserving the authenticity and value of Single Origin Ceylon Tea.

Yet, through all this greatness, his humility and generosity have remained intact – only growing with each passing year. He shares his every achievement with his sons, Malik and Dilhan, and their families. He is a doting grandfather, adored by the third generation of Fernandos, and he is a warm and inspiring father-figure to the employees at Dilmah. Through The MJF Foundation and Dilmah Conservation, his company gives back altruistically to the community and environment.

While giving the tea leaf its due respect, Merrill has also seen to it that his company and product have kept with the times by keeping an open mind to innovative and progressive new ideas. The t-Lounge by Dilmah is the result of such an idea, and it has taken the art of tea gastronomy and mixology to the next level. Massey’s honorary doctorate is undoubtedly well-deserved.