Merrill J. Fernando is probably best known for his words, “Do try it!” Dilmah has come a
long way since that iconic tele-commercial over 30 years ago and, today, stands as one of the
most recognised and reputed brands of tea, the world over.
It all began in the 1950s, when Merrill observed the commoditisation of tea as the
concentration of ownership in the tea industry fell into the hands of a few large corporations.
He decided that in the interest of tea drinkers around the world, and the crop that his country
produced with so much care and artistry, he would fight this process of commoditisation.
Nearly four decades later, in 1988, he launched his own brand – Dilmah. Dilmah tea
company was the first producer-owned tea brand, and offered tea that is ‘picked, perfected
and packed’ at origin. Unlike the multi-origin blends that monopolised supermarket shelves,
Dilmah brought tea that is freshly packed at source and therefore rich in flavour and natural
goodness, making it one of the finest teas of the world.
The Dilmah brand is unique, in that it is founded on a passionate commitment to quality and
authenticity in tea. It is also part of a philosophy that goes beyond commerce in seeing
business as a matter of human service. This is what makes Dilmah the first ethically produced
tea. In 2005, Merrill and his sons Dilhan and Malik, pledged to follow the principles dictated
by the 12 Principles of Dilmah in every aspect of their business and in the conduct of their
workers, staff and management.