Dilmah’s relationship with New Zealand dates back to its inception in the late 80’s, with New Zealand being one of the first countries to welcome and embrace the concept of Single Origin Tea imbued by the brand. Dilmah has since become a household name among tea drinkers across the country, and continues to dominate the local tea market.

Furthermore, Dilmah founder Merrill J. Fernando was bestowed with an honorary doctorate by Massey University in November 2019. According to the university’s website, the Doctor of Science degree was awarded to Merrill “in recognition of his strong leadership in ethical business within the food and beverage industry”, making him just the fourth international recipient of a Massey honorary doctorate. A scholarship was set up to commemorate this, allowing Dilmah employees or family members to study for a degree or professional development at Massey.

In fact, Dilmah’s connection with New Zealand goes beyond the commerce of tea. Since the late 90’s, Merrill has collaborated with Massey’s Distinguished Professor Paul Moughan to carry out research at one of New Zealand’s Centres of Research Excellence, The Riddet Institute, on the antioxidant and health properties of Dilmah tea. Not only has this been of worth to the tea industry, but the research has made valuable contributions to science as well, while strengthening the relationship between Dilmah and New Zealand in the process.

Over the years, Dilmah has also hosted top chefs and hospitality staff from New Zealand to study the production of the very versatile Dilmah Single Origin Tea in Sri Lanka, and has organised several food and beverage matching competitions in New Zealand.

Explore products available for online purchase at the Dilmah New Zealand Shop